Welcome Digital Traveler,

You’ve stumbled upon part of the world created by A. Layman and company. This page is merely meant to be a brief stop on your journey forward. The Studio will tell you everything you want to know about the artists, events, and behind the scenes looks. A Grimm Design is a special art project of the Studio. Above you will find the portals that will take you to your desired destinations. Below you will find some of the latest news from the studio blog.

Space here we come!

I’m very excited to announce that I’ve paid off my booth for Space-Con in San Antonio! I’ve got a corner booth in the artist alley and I am very very excited to get back onto the Convention Floor and see all the wonderful people. Once everything is laid out and booth numbers are assigned, I’ll make another post about where in the world I will be. Don’t miss out though! I’ve bringing a ton new flasks, masks, and a new style to my displays. On top of that I’m really excited to catch a glimpse of Ewan McGregor along with other big named celebrities. Also very excited to get see

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Life, The Universe & Everything In It

I reached that magic number, so I thought it was time for another post on the Studio website. As you can tell (or not) I’ve been working on relisting things on Etsy, rejoining Art Leagues, working on the ARG, all the while trying to balance a full time job, family, and sleep. But that isn’t to say I haven’t been creating things. I’ve made a few new masks and want to make a ton more! If you haven’t checked out the augmented reality game – A Grimm Design go check it out. It’s a fun art installation centered around fairy tales.

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2024 is Here

Well, it’s a New Year. There is no denying that. I don’t know what the future holds, but as this is the year I will turn 42, that magic number that explains life, the universe and everything in it. As a person I’ve been working on life, as a creator I’ve been managing too much. Need to focus down and finish a few things, but I tend to jump around from project to project. I’ve got a half finish animation fairy tale that is in dire need to be completed. I also have an update to the AGD:ARG that I’ve been working on. I’m hoping to have this done by

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